Research and Development Center
Software to process, analyze and store
well logging data
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23 / 01 / 2015
Update of multi-finger caliper module
The module is designed to process multi-finger borehole geometry tool data. Curves of minimal and maximum well IDs and well section area curve can be automatically calculated in the new version of the software. The math methods behind input data processing are improved. Both Russian and English versions of the software are available.
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31 / 10 / 2014
Update of the flowmeter survey module
The interface has been refined. Various measurement units are now available to work with. The tool velocity, flow velocity, and flow rate can now be processed and calculated using the measurement units specified by the user.
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10 / 10 / 2014
Check out a new Collection option of PRIME
We have provided a solution to handle a large number of curves and panels having the same name – the user now can create collections. A collection is a fixed set of data for a group of wells which once created can be used then in all the multi-well modules. Curves and panels added to collections are not duplicated moreover different collections may include the same items.
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15 / 09 / 2014
A data lock function has been now made available in the PRIME navigator
It is now possible to work in the data locking mode. Suppose one user now opens a summary chart. In that case, the others may open it in the read-only mode only with a notification specifying who is using the summary chart at the moment.
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05 / 08 / 2014
New version of the open-hole interval processing programs
Calculation of Gamma-ray index, clayiness index, key horizon neutron log porosity - the three open-hole programs that can now work in the interval mode. Intervals may be assigned both manually and taken automatically from the stratigraphy panel. Various key horizons and processing parameters can be set in each interval.
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